IPA, abv 5.6%, 60 IBU
Appearance: Very large head on the pour. Nice red tinge, mostly a light brown though. Head settles down with lots of lacing.
Smell: Very beautiful hops bouquet. Nugget hops give it a large pungent smell. It has a very full body of aromas, alcohol is non-present. It reminds me of a much much lighter Hop Head Red from Greenflash, just similar bouquet.
Mouthfeel: Its a medium body. A little watery.
Overall: My first IPA from Spain and its very impressive. Given my growing knowledge of microbrews in Spain, I am very impressed. It will not push you back with bitterness as an IPA from the States will, but it will hold its own. Its very drinkable and given its abv, you can throw back a couple and enjoy them. The smell is nice and its has a taste that is missing something in the front of its profile but the middle and finish are very nice. It can be a little less watery but it is a great solid beer. Very drinkable, specially given the Spanish palate. Its a great beer, but as an IPA it leaves a bit to be desired.
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