Abbey Style Belgium Beer, abv 7.8%
Appearance: Dark semi-opaque beer, with a shade of red. Big two finger head the settles to half a finger. Very little lacing.
Smell: Complex. A wide variety of malts. Light fruit aromas with a background note of alcohol. Very sweet notes.
Taste: Roasted malts, tastes much darker than it smells. Opens up in the middle with the alcohol taste that is nicely balanced with the bready taste. Finishes with stronger alcohol and very nice notes of fruits and flowers.
Mouthfeel: Medium body, does have a little bigger feel than normal belgium beers. Not effervescent, it feels a lot lighter towards the end. It does not linger long.
Overall: It's a really good beer. It poured much darker than I would expect for a abbey style belgium, its complex smell of malts was amazing. The alcohol is masked nicely in the nose but not as well in the mouth, but it also does not standout like a sore thumb. Given its price, I will not be having this one day to day but I will definitely keep a couple on hand for when the mood strikes me.
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