Appearance: Dense golden pour. Looks almost unfiltered. Big billowy one finger head the settles down slowly to a decent layer on top of the beer. Very little lacing.
Smell: Light floral aromas, sweet with some alcohol. Mild herb smell, probably the cilantro they brewed with.
Taste: Very little up front then a rush of hops, cilantro, and alcohol. Hops linger the longest along with the alcohol. It becomes sweet after all that.
Mouthfeel: Oils coat your mouth from the first sip. They fill your palette and stay there for awhile. Its an alcohol forward beer but the oils seems to balance it.
Overall: Its a good beer. Could definitely back off the alcohol taste a little, but its good tasting. The hops and herbs seems to balance themselves out. It does fill your mouth and coat your palette in a great way. At its higher alcohol content, it would be a slower beer to drink.
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