Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tierra De Frontera Pale Ale

Pale Ale, abv 4.5%

Appearance: Red body. with a large head. Settles to a finger creamy head. 

Smell: Light hops smell. Sweet with some small citrus. 

Taste: Nice round body of the hops but definitely more hops than a pale ale should have. A long thinning bitterness finish from the hops. Not much else going on.

Mouthfeel: Highly carbonated. Really affects the taste. Medium body. 

Overall: This is overall an drinkable beer (thats if you can be lucky like me and not find a contaminated beer). It has pretty much one note it keeps strumming. Its not anything special but it also isn't bad. The hop flavor is good but suffers of the downfalls of single-hopped beers, not much to round it out. The carbonation is a tad odd since it is very sharp and muted anything upfront. I am unaware if there is any flavors or character in the taste upfront because of the carbonation. The water was not filtered since you can taste quite a bit of minerals in the beer. 


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