Imperial IPA, abv 7.8%
Appearance: Light orange golden color. Large 2 finger head. Settles to one finger that is foamy on top and tighter towards the bottom. Good lacing.
Smell: Pine is very prominent. Lots of tropical fruits and sweet grain smell also. Citrus and pineapple are the first things to come to mind.
Taste: Not a traditional Imperial IPA taste. The have a very soft hit but develop in your month. The flavors stay in your mouth for a long time. Pine upfront with a bitter finish. Fruits are in the middle but lacking. Smell and taste are different.
Mouthfeel: Very oily and the flavors seems to envelop your mouth.
Overall: Very interesting overall. Good beer but the taste seems to be lacking the fruitier flavors that can be had with hops. To me, this lack of roundedness in the hops does not make it an imperial ipa, its missing too much. Although it is said to have ginger, I can not detect it in the nose or mouth. Even while being super critical of this beer, it is a good beer and very drinkable. For the price, a better buy can be had.
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